English | Deutsch |
nouns | Substantive |
through road | Durchgangsstraße |
through traffic | Durchgangsverkehr |
journey through | Durchreise |
through hole | Durchgangsloch |
push-through pack | Durchdrückpackung |
push-through pack | Durchdrückverpackung |
blow-through pipework | Durchblaseleitungen |
flow-through cell | Durchflussküvette |
flow-through cells | Durchflussküvetten |
through clamps | Durchgangsklemmen |
through clamp | Durchgangsklemme |
through stations | Durchgangsbahnhöfe |
through station | Durchgangsbahnhof |
flow-through type cell | Durchflussmesszelle |
flow-through cell | Durchflussmesszelle |
flow-through type cells | Durchflussmesszellen |
flow-through cells | Durchflussmesszellen |
lead-through terminal | Durchführungsklemme |
travel through | Durchreise |
pass-through time | Durchlaufzeit |
shining-through light | Durchlicht |
marching-through | Durchmarsch |
marchings-through | Durchmärsche |
walk-through room | Durchgangszimmer |
through roads | Durchgangsstraßen |
through holes | Durchgangslöcher |
walk-through rooms | Durchgangszimmer |
plated through-hole | Durchkontaktierung |
through-connection | Durchkontaktierung |
through-connection | Durchschaltung |
feed-through wiring | Durchgangsverdrahtung |
flow-through furnaces | Durchlauföfen |
through flight | Direktflug |
through flights | Direktflüge |
drive-through | Autorestaurant |
drive-through | Drive-In-Restaurant |
through bolt | Durchsteckschraube |
bubbling through | Durchspülen |
through bolts | Durchsteckschrauben |
through-flow testing rig | Durchströmungsprüfstand |
flow-through furnace | Durchlaufofen |
bubbling-through measurement | Einperlmessung |
drive-through bank | Autoschalter |
swipe-through reader | Kartenlesegerät |
swipe-through readers | Magnetstreifenlesegeräte |
swipe-through reader | Magnetstreifenlesegerät |
swipe-through readers | Kartenlesegeräte |
through coach | Kurswagen |
through carriages | Kurswagen |
through coaches | Kurswagen |
through cars | Kurswagen |
through carriage | Kurswagen |
flow-through credit | Weiterleitungskredit |
flow-through loan | Weiterleitungskredit |
financing through securities | Wertpapierfinanzierung |
travel through time | Zeitreise |
other | andere |
through | durch |
through | hindurch |
through | über |
through | bis |
through | wegen |
through | quer |
usage | Sprachgebrauch |
to fall through | scheitern |
to pass through | durchlaufen |
to pull through | durchziehen |
to muddle through | sich durchwursteln |
to pull through | durchkommen |
to push through | durchsetzen |
to talk through one's nose | näseln |
to seep through | durchsickern |
to pull through | über die Runden kommen |
through train | durchgehender Zug |
carried through | durchgesetzt |
to rush through | durcheilen |
read through | durchgelesen |
passing through | durchlaufend |
to push through | durchbringen |
to carry through | durchsetzen |
through | zu Ende |
to talk through one's hat | dummes Zeug reden |
to fall through | ins Wasser fallen |
to pass through | hindurchgehen |
to pass through | durchgehen |
to pass through | passieren |
to plough through | beackern |
through official channels | a.d.D. |
to leaf through | schmökern |
to browse through | schmökern |
through instrumentality of sb. | durch jds. Vermittlung |
through lane | durchgehender Fahrstreifen |
through legal proceedings | auf dem Rechtsweg |
to pull through | gerade so auskommen |
through-hardening steels | durchhärtbare Stähle |
through-crack | durchgehender Riss |
through one's own fault | durch eigenes Verschulden |
flow-through credit | durchlaufender Kredit |
flow-through loan | durchlaufender Kredit |
chilling through | auskühlend |
chilled through | ausgekühlt |
sitting through | absitzend |