ä=ae | ö=oe | ü=ue | ß=ss

town deutsch | town in German

⇄ Deutsch
English Deutsch
town hallRathaus
twin townPartnerstadt
home townHeimatstadt
town centreStadtzentrum
Cape TownKapstadt
town councilStadtrat
ghost townGeisterstadt
old townAltstadt
shanty townElendsviertel
home townHeimatort
small townKleinstadt
town wallStadtmauer
town councilStadtverwaltung
native townGeburtsstadt
town centreInnenstadt
town houseStadthaus
town centerStadtzentrum
spa townKurstadt
Hanse townHansestadt
Hanseatic townHansestadt
Hansa townHansestadt
little townStädtlein
town gateStadttor
university townUniversitätsstadt
town dwellerStadtbewohner
town dwellerStädter
town hall meetingBürgerversammlung
town houseReihenhaus
home townGeburtsstadt
town clerkStadtschreiber
town crierStadtschreier
town plannerStadtplaner
part of townStadtteil
town centreStadtmitte
dormitory townSchlafstadt
frontier townGrenzstadt
town councilMagistrat
diocesan townBischofssitz
college townUniversitätsstadt
garrison townGarnisonsstadt
one-horse townKuhkaff
town hallGemeindeamt
district townKreisstadt
historic section of townAltstadt
festival in the old townAltstadtfest
town meetingBürgerversammlung
town meetingsBürgerversammlungen
town hall meetingsBürgerversammlungen
mining townBergstadt
home townVaterstadt
citizen of a Hanseatic townHanseat
town centreCity
commercial townHandelsstadt
gold rush townGoldrauschstadt
county townKreisstadt
town and country planningLandschaftsplanung
town with over a million inhabitantsMillionenstadt
new townNeustadt
posh area/part of townNobelviertel
upmarket area/part of townNobelgegend
posh area/part of townNobelgegend
upmarket area/part of townNobelviertel
entrance of/to a/the village/townOrtseingang
end of a/the village/townOrtsausgang
entrance of/to a/the village/townOrtsanfang
end of a/the village/townOrtsende
character and appearance of the town/villageOrtsbild
town and village designOrtsbildgestaltung
town designOrtsbildgestaltung
sister townPatenstadt
one-horse townProvinzstadt
hick townProvinzstadt
town and country planningRaumordnung
in townin der Stadt
out of townauswärts
be out of townverreist
town wastestädtischer Abfall
old townhistorischer Stadtteil
historic section of townhistorischer Stadtteil
They gave us their home/home-country/home-town addresses.Sie gaben uns ihre Heimatadressen.
From an economic point of view, / From the economic aspect, the location of the business will benefit the town greatly.Unter dem wirtschaftlichen Aspekt wird die Betriebsansiedlung der Stadt große Vorteile bringen.
Thus, town children can get a taste of the country life.Damit bekommen Stadtkinder einen ersten Eindruck vom Landleben.
a room overlooking the townein Zimmer mit Blick auf die Stadt
This is the oldest church in town.Das ist die älteste Kirche der Stadt.
to be a man about townin den angesagten Kreisen verkehren
at the entrance of the village/townam Ortseingang
at the entrance of the village/townam Ortsanfang
at the end of the village/townam Ortsende
to preserve the character and appearance of the town/villagedas Ortsbild pflegen
to spoil the general appearance of the town/villagedas Ortsbild verschandeln
at the end of the village/townam Ortsausgang
to paint the town reddie Puppen tanzen lassen
Deutsch English
George TownGeorge Town
Cockburn TownCockburn Town
Box 3321, Drake Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, Britische JungferninselnP.O. Box 3321, Drake Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
oder hergestellt von GB Metal Products Co., Ltd, Zhuanlu Town, Dingzhou, Hebeior manufactured by GB Metal Products Co., Ltd, Zhuanlu Town, Dingzhou, Hebei
Hergestellt und verkauft von GB Metal Products Co., Ltd, Zhuanlu Town, Dingzhou, HebeiManufactured and sold by GB Metal Products Co., Ltd, Zhuanlu Town, Dingzhou, Hebei
Golden Time Enterprise (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd, Shanglilang, Cha Shan Industrial Area, Buji Town, Shenzhen City, Provinz Guangdong, Volksrepublik ChinaGolden Time Enterprise (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd, Shanglilang, Cha Shan Industrial Area, Buji Town, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China
Woodbourne Hall, PO Box 3162, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands Weitere Info: Reg.Woodbourne Hall, PO Box 3162, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Anschrift: 9191 Town Centre Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92122, Vereinigte StaatenAddress: 9191 Town Centre Road, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92122, United States
Jiaxing Jinlin Lumber Co., Ltd. North of Ganyao Town, Jiashan, Provinz Zhejiang, Volksrepublik ChinaJiaxing Jinlin Lumber Co., Ltd. North of Ganyao Town, Jiashan, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China
Lanzhou Good Land Ferroalloy Factory Co., Ltd., Xicha Town, und Rich Trading Co. Ltd. (verbundener Ausführer), Lanzhou City,Lanzhou Good Land Ferroalloy Factory Co., Ltd, Xicha Town, and Rich Trading Co. Ltd. (related exporter), Lanzhou City,
Golden Time Enterprise (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd, Shanglilang, Cha Shan Industrial Area, Buji Town, Shenzhen City, Provinz Guangdong, Volksrepublik China; Golden Time Chemical (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., No. 90-168, Fangshui Road, Chemical Industry Zone, Nanjing…Golden Time Enterprise (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd, Shanglilang, Cha Shan Industrial Area, Buji Town, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China; Golden Time Chemical (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd, No 90-168, Fangshui Road, Chemical Industry Zone, Nanjing, Jiangsu…
North of Ganyao Town, Jiashan, Zhejiang, Volksrepublik ChinaNorth of Ganyao Town, Jiashan, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China
…of ActuariesThe Chartered Institute of Management AccountantsInstitute of Chartered Secretaries and AdministratorsRoyal Town Planning InstituteRoyal Institution of Chartered SurveyorsChartered Institute of Building.…Chartered Institute of Management AccountantsInstitute of Chartered Secretaries and AdministratorsRoyal Town Planning InstituteRoyal Institution of Chartered SurveyorsChartered Institute of Building.
Nantong Zongyi Plywood Co., Ltd. Xingdong Town, Tongzhou City, Provinz Jiangsu, Volksrepublik ChinaNantong Zongyi Plywood Co., Ltd. Xingdong Town, Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China
Hubei Jingshan Chutian Barium Salt Corp. Ltd., 62, Qinglong Road, Songhe Town, County Jingshan, Provinz Hubei, VR ChinaHubei Jingshan Chutian Barium Salt Corp. Ltd, 62, Qinglong Road, Songhe Town, Jingshan County, Hubei Province, PRC
das Geschäft sich auf einen Luftfahrzeuggegenstand bezieht, der im Internationalen Register, das nach dem Übereinkommen von Kapstadt und dem zugehörigen Luftfahrtprotokoll (Cape Town Convention oder CTC) registriert ist.The transaction relates to an aircraft object registered on the International Registry established pursuant to the Cape Town Convention, and the Aircraft Protocol thereto (Cape Town Convention or CTC).
City Council, County Council, Borough Council, Town Council,települési önkormányzat; község, nagyközség, város, megyei jogú város, főváros, főváros kerületei; területi önkormányzat; megye,
CTCD (Cape Town Convention discount) stellt die in Artikel 36 dieser Anlage festgelegte Ermäßigung aufgrund des Übereinkommens von Kapstadt dar.CTCD represents the Cape Town Convention Discount set out in Article 36 of this Appendix.
Xingdong Town, Tongzhou City, Provinz JiangsuXingdong Town, Tongzhou City, Jiangsu
Xingdong Town, Tongzhou City, Jiangsu, Volksrepublik ChinaXingdong Town, Tongzhou City, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China