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Anlage III: Muster für Rechtsfähigkeitsgutachten („capacity opinion“) und Ländergutachten („country opinion“) | Appendix III: Terms of reference for capacity and country opinions |
Am 20. Oktober 2011 nahm die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) das Wissenschaftliche Gutachten über die Risiken durch Shiga-Toxin bildende Escherichia coli (STEC) und andere pathogene Bakterien in Samen und Keimlingen („Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and other pathogenic bacteria in seeds and sprouted seeds“) [4] an. | On 20 October 2011, the European Food Safety Authority (‘EFSA’) adopted a Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and other pathogenic bacteria in seeds and sprouted seeds [4]. |
Am 25. März 2011 zog die EFSA in ihrem Wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zur Sicherheit einer neuartigen Kaubase als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat („Scientific Opinion on the safety of a ‚novel chewing gum base (REV-7)‘ as a novel food ingredient“ [2]) den Schluss, dass die neuartige Kaubase unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen und in den beantragten… | On 25 March 2011, EFSA in the ‘Scientific Opinion on the safety of a “novel chewing gum base (REV-7)” as a novel food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that the novel chewing gum base was safe at the proposed conditions of use and the proposed levels… |
Am 4. Dezember 2008 verabschiedete die EFSA die Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Gremiums für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien auf Ersuchen der Kommission zur Sicherheit von kaltwasserdispergierbarem Lycopin aus Blakeslea trispora („Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of lycopene from Blakeslea trispora Cold Water Dispersion (CWD)“). | On 4 December 2008 EFSA adopted the ‘Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of lycopene from Blakeslea trispora Cold Water Dispersion (CWD)’. |
ein Rechtsfähigkeitsgutachten („capacity opinion“) im Sinne von Anlage III vorzulegen, sofern die [Name der Zentralbank einfügen] die im Rahmen dieses Rechtsfähigkeitsgutachtens einzureichenden Informationen und Erklärungen nicht bereits in einem anderen Zusammenhang erhalten hat, und | provide a capacity opinion in the form specified in Appendix III, unless the information and representations to be provided in such capacity opinion have already been obtained by the [insert name of CB] in another context; and |
das Rechtsfähigkeitsgutachten („capacity opinion“), sofern von der [Name der Zentralbank einfügen] verlangt, und | the capacity opinion, if required by the [insert name of CB], and |
…Studie unter dem zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, vertreten durch die Europäische Kommission, und TNS Opinion and Survey, einem Konsortium aus Taylor Nelson Sofres plc. und EOS Gallup Europe, vertreten durch das Koordinierungszentrum… | …of a specific Eurobarometer study within the scope of the Framework Contract [2], concluded between the European Community, represented by the European Commission and TNS Opinion and Survey a consortium formed by Taylor Nelson Sofres plc and EOS Gallup… |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM) und EFSA-Gremium für Materialien, die mit Lebensmitteln in Berührung kommen, Enzyme, Aromastoffe und Verarbeitungshilfsstoffe (CEF); Scientific Opinion on Melamine in Food and Feed. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM) and EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF); Scientific Opinion on Melamine in Food and Feed. |
Angesichts der hohen Anzahl geplanter Verkäufe stellen die beteiligten Mitgliedstaaten fest, dass die systematische Anmeldung jedes Vorgangs, verbunden mit der Vorlage eines Drittgutachtens (fairness opinion) durch einen unabhängigen Sachverständigen, sich für Dexia als übermäßig kostenaufwändig und belastend erweisen könnte. | Bearing in mind the large number of disposals planned, the Member States concerned point out that systematically notifying each operation, and producing a fairness opinion drawn up by an independent expert, could be overly costly and onerous for Dexia. |
In einem Drittgutachten („fairness opinion“) vom 10. Oktober 2012, das eine Finanzanalystenkanzlei im Auftrag der französischen Behörden und der CDC angefertigt hat, wird bescheinigt, dass „ein Preis von 380 Mio. EUR für 100 % an NEC (das selbst wiederum zu 100 % im Besitz von Dexia Municipal Agency „DMA“ ist) für… | A fairness opinion of 10 October 2012 from a financial analysis consultancy commissioned by the French authorities and the CDC states that ‘a price of EUR 380 million for 100 % of the NEC (itself holding 100 % of Dexia Municipal Agency ‘DMA’) is an… |
Vor Fertigstellung des MoU wurde für mögliche Szenarien der Veräußerung von Dexia BIL eine Fairness Opinion zum Verkaufspreis erstellt [17]. | Before the MoU was finalised, various scenarios under the preliminary draft of the sale of Dexia BIL were subject to a fairness opinion by a third party [17]. |
Datum der Annahme: 8. Oktober 2010 Veröffentlicht am: 10. November 2010.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the modification of existing MRL for deltamethrin in potatoes, EFSA Journal 2010; 8(11):1900. | Adopted: 8 octobre 2010. Published: 10 November 2010.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the modification of existing MRL for deltamethrin in potatoes, EFSA Journal 2010; 8(11):1900. |
Das Drittgutachten (Fairness Opinion) zum Verkaufspreis [19] wurde der Kommission zufolge während der Verhandlungen und noch vor der Festlegung der genauen Konditionen des am 23. März 2012 bei der Kommission angemeldeten MoU vom 20. Dezember 2011 erstellt. | According to the Commission’s understanding, the fairness opinion by a third party [19] had been established during the negotiations and before the setting of the precise conditions in the MoU dated 20 December 2011, which was notified on 23 March 2012. |
…im Sinne einer vollständigen Prüfung der Jahresabschlüsse darstellt, sondern als das zu betrachten ist, was im Allgemeinen als „parere pro veritate“(fairness opinion) zu den nachfolgend aufgeführten und von Alitalia, Fintecna und ihren jeweiligen Beratern (Mediobanca und Citigroup) übermittelten Elementen bezeichnet wird. | …accounts or forecasts, in the sense of a full audit, but represents what is generally called a ‘fairness opinion’ on the information which follows provided by Alitalia, Fintecna and their respective consultants, Mediobanca and Citigroup. |
EFSA-Gremium für Zusatzstoffe, Erzeugnisse und Stoffe in der Tierernährung, (FEEDAP); Scientific Opinion on safety and efficacy of di copper chloride tri hydroxide (tribasic copper chloride, TBCC) as feed additive for all species. | EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP); Scientific Opinion on safety and efficacy of di copper chloride tri hydroxide (tribasic copper chloride, TBCC) as feed additive for all species. |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on Ochratoxin A in Food EFSA Journal 2006; 365:1-56. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on Ochratoxin A in Food EFSA Journal 2006; 365:1-56. |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on Arsenic in Food. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on Arsenic in Food. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for phosmet in various crops. EFSA Journal 2012; 10(2):2582 [27 S.]. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2582.Reasoned opinion on… | EFSA scientific reports available online:‘Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for phosmet in various crops’, EFSA Journal 2012; 10(2):2582 (27 pp.). doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2582.‘Reasoned opinion on the… |
Wissenschaftlicher Bericht der EFSA (abrufbar unter: opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRL for chloranthraniliprole in carrots. | EFSA scientific report available on opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRL for chloranthraniliprole in carrots. |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) in Food. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) in Food. |
EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM): Scientific Opinion on possible health risks for infants and young children from the presence of nitrates in leafy vegetables (Wissenschaftliche Stellungnahme zu den Gesundheitsgefahren für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder durch Nitrate in Blattgemüse). | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on possible health risks for infants and young children from the presence of nitrates in leafy vegetables. |
EFSA Journal 2012; 10(3):2632.Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the setting of new MRLs for amisulbrom in tomatoes, aubergines and lettuce. | EFSA Journal 2012; 10(3):2632.European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the setting of new MRLs for amisulbrom in tomatoes, aubergines and lettuce. |
Wissenschaftliche Gutachten der EFSA (abrufbar unter opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the setting of an import tolerance for azoxystrobin in passion fruits. | EFSA scientific reports available on opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the setting of an import tolerance for azoxystrobin in passion fruits. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for aminopyralid in rape seed. | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for aminopyralid in rape seed. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter: http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion of EFSA on the modification of the existing MRLs for fenarimol in various crops. | EFSA scientific reports available online: http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion of EFSA on the modification of the existing MRLs for fenarimol in various crops. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter:äische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for acibenzolar-S-methyl in lettuce and other salad plants including Brassicaceae. | EFSA scientific reports available online: Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for acibenzolar-S-methyl in lettuce and other salad plants including Brassicaceae. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter: http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for 8-hydroxyquinoline in tomatoes. | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for 8-hydroxyquinoline in tomatoes. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for acequinocyl in cucumbers, melons and pumpkins. | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for acequinocyl in cucumbers, melons and pumpkins. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for chlorantraniliprole in carrots, parsnips, parsley root and celeriac. | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for chlorantraniliprole in carrots, parsnips, parsley root and celeriac. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter: http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for aminopyralid in food commodities of animal origin. | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for aminopyralid in food commodities of animal origin. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter: opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for acetamiprid in purslane, legume vegetables and pulses (beans and peas). | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for acetamiprid in purslane, legume vegetables and pulses (beans and peas). |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA (abrufbar unter opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRLs for biphenyl in various commodities. | EFSA scientific reports available on opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRLs for biphenyl in various commodities. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA (abrufbar unter opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRLs for amidosulfuron in bovine fat, kidney, liver and milk. | EFSA scientific reports available on opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRLs for amidosulfuron in bovine fat, kidney, liver and milk. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA, abrufbar unter opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the modification of existing MRL for boscalid in various crops, EFSA Journal 2010; 8(9):1780. | EFSA scientific reports available on opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the modification of existing MRL for boscalid in various crops , EFSA Journal 2010; 8(9):1780. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for dimethomorph in seeds of spices and caraway. | EFSA scientific reports available online: opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for dimethomorph in seeds of spices and caraway. |
Wissenschaftliche Berichte der EFSA online abrufbar unter: http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for dodine in various fruit crops. | EFSA scientific reports available online: http://www.efsa.europa.euReasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for dodine in various fruit crops. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on the use of Basic Methacrylate Copolymer as a food additive on request from the European Commission. | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on the use of Basic Methacrylate Copolymer as a food additive on request from the European Commission. |
EFSA-Gremien zu biologischen Gefahren (BIOHAZ), Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM) sowie Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz (AHAW); Scientific Opinion on the public health hazards to be covered by inspection of meat (swine), EFSA Journal 2011; 9(10):2351. | EFSA Panels on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM), and on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Scientific Opinion on the public health hazards to be covered by inspection of meat (swine), EFSA Journal 2011; 9(10):2351. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on the safety of steviol glycosides for the proposed uses as a food additive. | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources (ANS); Scientific Opinion on the safety of steviol glycosides for the proposed uses as a food additive. |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM); „Scientific Opinion on risks for animal and public health related to the presence of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in food and feed“. EFSA-Journal 2011; 9(12):2481. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on risks for animal and public health related to the presence of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in food and feed, EFSA Journal 2011; 9(12):2481. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS); Scientific Opinion on Chromoprecise® cellular bound chromium yeast added for nutritional purposes as a source of chromium in food supplements and the bioavailability of chromium form… | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on ChromoPrecise® cellular bound chromium yeast added for nutritional purposes as a source of chromium in food supplements and the bioavailability of chromium form… |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of curcumin (E 100) as a food additive. | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of curcumin (E 100) as a food additive. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of Mixed Carotenes (E 160a (i)) and beta-Carotene (E 160a (ii)) as a food additive. | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of Mixed Carotenes (E 160a (i)) and beta-Carotene (E 160a (ii)) as a food additive. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on chromium(III) lactate tri-hydrate as a source of chromium added for nutritional purposes to foodstuff. | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on chromium(III) lactate tri-hydrate as a source of chromium added for nutritional purposes to foodstuff. |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on the risks for public and animal health related to the presence of citrinin in food and feed. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on the risks for public and animal health related to the presence of citrinin in food and feed. |
EFSA-Gremium für Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on the risk to public health related to the presence of high levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in liver from sheep and deer. | EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (Contam); Scientific Opinion on the risk to public health related to the presence of high levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in liver from sheep and deer. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on the safety of stigmasterol-rich plant sterols as food additive. | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on the safety of stigmasterol-rich plant sterols as food additive. |
EFSA-Gremium für Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe und Lebensmitteln zugesetzte Nährstoffquellen (ANS-Gremium); Scientific Opinion on the safety of sucrose esters of fatty acids prepared from vinyl esters of fatty acids and on the extension of use of sucrose esters of fatty acids in… | EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on the safety of sucrose esters of fatty acids prepared from vinyl esters of fatty acids and on the extension of use of sucrose esters of fatty acids in flavourings… |
Bei Veräußerungen im Wert von über 50 Mio. EUR (Kategorie 1): Übermittlung eines Informationsdokuments an die Kommission und Einholung eines Drittgutachtens (fairness opinion) bei einem unabhängigen Sachverständigen ohne Bezug zur Transaktion; | for disposals of an amount of more than EUR 50 million (category 1): communication of an information note to the Commission and drawing up of a fairness opinion by an independent expert unconnected with the transaction; |
…sowie SCCNFP/0245/99 über die grundlegenden Kriterien für Protokolle zur Prüfung der Hautverträglichkeit potenziell hautreizender kosmetischer Inhaltsstoffe oder von Gemischen dieser Inhaltsstoffe an menschlichen Probanden (Opinion concerning Basic Criteria of the Protocols for the Skin Compatibility Testing of Potentially Cutaneous Irritant Cosmetic Ingredients or Mixtures of Ingredients on Human Volunteers). | …of the Notes of Guidance, and SCCNFP/0245/99 on Basic Criteria of the Protocols for the Skin Compatibility Testing of Potentially Cutaneous Irritant Cosmetic Ingredients or Mixtures of Ingredients on Human Volunteers. |
solche Zahlungen bei der betreffenden Zentralbank zu verrechnen; „Rechtsfähigkeitsgutachten“ („capacity opinion“): ein Rechtsgutachten zur Prüfung, ob ein bestimmter Teilnehmer die in diesen Bedingungen festgelegten Verpflichtungen wirksam eingehen und erfüllen kann; | entitled to carry out the activities referred to under [insert national law provisions implementing items 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Section A of Annex I to Directive 2004/39/EC], |
Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for formetanate in various crops. | European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for formetanate in various crops. |
Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for tebuconazole in citrus (except oranges), lettuce and other salad plants, parsley and chives. | European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for tebuconazole in citrus (except oranges), lettuce and other salad plants, parsley and chives. |
Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit; Reasoned opinion on the review of the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for butralin, according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. | European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the review of the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for butralin, according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. |
Da der Sachverständige eine gründliche Analyse des Veräußerungsfalls vorgenommen und Berechnungsmethoden angewandt hat, die anerkanntermaßen für diese Art Fairness Opinion geeignet sind, hält die Kommission die abschließende Schlussfolgerung der KPMG, derzufolge „the term of the proposed sale to Yvan is fair and reasonable and represents fair market value“ („Die Bedingungen für den vorgeschlagenen… | Given that the expert carried out a detailed assessment of the disposal and used recognised calculation methods for this type of fairness option, the Commission considers that KPMG's final conclusion that ‘the term of the proposed sale to Yvan is fair and… |
Am 27. April 2012 zog die EFSA in ihrem wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zu Rinder-Lactoferrin („Scientific Opinion on bovine Lactoferrin“) [2] den Schluss, dass Rinder-Lactoferrin unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen und in den beantragten Verwendungsmengen sicher ist. | On 27 April 2012 in their ‘Scientific opinion on bovine lactoferrin’ [2] EFSA came to the conclusion that bovine lactoferrin is safe under the proposed uses and use levels. |
Am 8. April 2011 zog die EFSA in ihrem „Scientific Opinion on the safety of ‚Yeast beta-glucans‘ as a Novel Food ingredient“ [2] (Stellungnahme zur Sicherheit von „Hefe-Beta-Glucanen“ als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat) den Schluss, dass Hefe-Beta-Glucane unter den angegebenen Verwendungsbedingungen sicher sind. | On 8 April 2011, EFSA in the ‘Scientific Opinion on the safety of “Yeast beta-glucans” as a novel food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that yeast beta-glucans were safe under the proposed conditions of use. |
Am 8. April 2011 kam die EFSA in ihrem Wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zur Sicherheit eines fermentierten Extrakts aus schwarzen Bohnen als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat („Scientific Opinion on the safety of ‚fermented black bean extract (Touchi)‘ as a Novel Food ingredient“ [2]) zu dem Schluss, dass fermentierter Extrakt aus schwarzen Bohnen unter den vorgeschlagenen Verwendungsbedingungen unbedenklich ist. | On 8 April 2011, EFSA in the ‘Scientific Opinion on the safety of a “fermented black bean extract” (Touchi) as a Novel Food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that fermented black bean extract was safe under the proposed use and conditions of use. |
:In den Mustern für Ländergutachten („country opinion“) für TARGET2-Teilnehmerländer, die nicht dem EWR angehören, erhält Absatz 3.6.a. folgende Fassung: | in the terms of reference for country opinions for non-EEA participants in TARGET2, paragraph 3.6.a is replaced by the following |
…die der Kommission von den luxemburgischen Behörden und von Dexia SA übermittelt wurden, insbesondere die Fairness Opinion, derzufolge der gezahlte Preis angesichts der Verkaufskonditionen marktkonform sei. | …various documents submitted to the Commission by themselves and Dexia SA, in particular the fairness opinions by third parties, which conclude that the price paid is a fair price in the light of the terms of the transaction. |
…diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien) in der Stellungnahme zur Sicherheit des Lentinula edodes-Auszugs als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat („Scientific opinion on the safety of ‚Lentinula edodes extract‘ as a novel food ingredient“ [2]) zu dem Schluss, dass der Lentinula edodes-Mycelauszug unter den beantragten… | …Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies) in the ‘Scientific opinion on the safety of “Lentinula edodes extract” as a novel food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that the mycelial extract from Lentinula edodes was safe under the proposed… |
…für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien) in der Stellungnahme zur Sicherheit eines Peptiderzeugnisses aus Sardinen als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat („Scientific opinion on the safety of ‚Sardine Peptide Product‘ as a novel food ingredient“ [2]) zu dem Schluss, dass das Peptiderzeugnis aus Fisch unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen und in den… | …on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies) in the ‘Scientific opinion on the safety of “Sardine Peptide Product” as a novel food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that the fish peptide product was safe under the proposed conditions of use and… |
Am 10. Juli 2008 verabschiedete die EFSA die „Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of ‚fungal oil from Mortierella alpina‘“ (Gutachten des wissenschaftlichen Gremiums für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien zu einer Anfrage der Kommission im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherheit von „Pilzöl aus Mortierella alpina“). | On 10 July 2008 EFSA adopted the ‘Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of “fungal oil from Mortierella alpina”.’ |
Am 10. Juli 2008 verabschiedete die EFSA die „Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of leaves from Morinda citrifolia L.“ (Gutachten des wissenschaftlichen Gremiums für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien zu einer Anfrage der Kommission im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherheit der Blätter von Morinda citrifolia L.). | On 10 July 2008 EFSA adopted the ‘Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of leaves from Morinda citrifolia L.’. |
…Gremium für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien) in der Stellungnahme zur Sicherheit von Chitin-Glucan als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat („Scientific opinion on the safety of ‚Chitin-Glucan‘ as a novel food ingredient“ [2]) zu dem Schluss, dass Chitin-Glucan aus Aspergillus niger unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen… | …Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies) in the ‘Scientific opinion on the safety of “chitin-glucan” as a novel food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that chitin-glucan from Aspergillus niger was safe under the proposed conditions of… |
Am 6. Juli 2007 verabschiedete die EFSA die „Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of alpha-cyclodextrin“ (Stellungnahme des wissenschaftlichen Gremiums für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien zu einer Anfrage der Kommission im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherheit von alpha-Cyclodextrin). | On 6 July 2007 EFSA adopted the ‘Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of alpha-cyclodextrin’. |
Am 28. Juni 2012 zog die EFSA in ihrem wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zu Rinder-Lactoferrin („Scientific Opinion on bovine Lactoferrin“) [2] den Schluss, dass Rinder-Lactoferrin unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen und in den beantragten Verwendungsmengen sicher ist. | On 28 June 2012 in their ‘Scientific opinion on bovine lactoferrin’ [2] EFSA came to the conclusion that bovine lactoferrin is safe under the proposed uses and use levels. |
Am 28. Juni 2012 zog die EFSA in ihrem wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zu Dihydrocapsiat („Scientific Opinion on Dihydrocapsiate“) [2] den Schluss, dass Dihydrocapsiat unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen und in den beantragten Verwendungsmengen sicher ist. | On 28 June 2012 in their ‘Scientific opinion on dihydrocapsiate’ [2] EFSA came to the conclusion that dihydrocapsiate is safe under the proposed uses and use levels. |
Am 30. Juni 2011 kam die EFSA in ihrem wissenschaftlichen Gutachten über die Sicherheit von Glavonoid® (Scientific opinion on the safety of „Glavonoid®“, an extract derived from the roots of or rootstock of Glycyrrhiza glabra L., as a Novel Food ingredient on request from the European Commission [2]) zu dem Schluss… | On 30 June 2011, EFSA in the ‘Scientific opinion on the safety of “Glavonoid®”, an extract derived from the roots of or rootstock of Glycyrrhiza glabra L., as a novel food ingredient on request from the European Commission’ [2] came to the conclusion that… |
Am 10. November 2010 legte die EFSA auf Ersuchen der Kommission ein wissenschaftliches Gutachten vor: „Scientific Opinion on the safety of chromium picolinate as a source of chromium added for nutritional purposes to foodstuff for particular nutritional uses and to foods intended for the general… | On 10 November 2010 following a request from the Commission, EFSA adopted an opinion [2] on the safety of Chromium Picolinate as a source of chromium added for nutritional purposes to foods for the general population and to foods for particular… |
Am 25. Oktober 2007 verabschiedete die EFSA die „Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of Allanblackia seed oil“ (Stellungnahme des wissenschaftlichen Gremiums für diätetische Produkte, Ernährung und Allergien zu einer Anfrage der Kommission im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherheit von Allanblackia-Saatöl zur Verwendung in gelben Streichfetten und Brotaufstrichen auf Sahnebasis). | On 25 October 2007 EFSA adopted the ‘Opinion of the Scientific Panel on dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to the safety of allanblackia seed oil for use in yellow fat and cream based spreads’. |
Am 4. Mai 2012 und 12. Juni 2012 übermittelte Luxemburg der Kommission zusätzliche Informationen, darunter eine aktualisierte Fassung des Drittgutachtens (im Folgenden „Fairness Opinion“) zum Verkaufspreis für Dexia BIL mit Datum vom 30. Mai 2012 (im Folgenden „aktualisierte Fairness Opinion“). | On 4 May 2012 and 12 June 2012 the Luxembourg authorities provided the Commission with additional information, including an update by Dexia SA of the fairness opinion for Dexia BIL dated 30 May 2012 (hereinafter: ‘updated fairness opinion’). |
Am 1. Dezember nahm das Wissenschaftliche Gremium für biologische Gefahren (BIOHAZ) der Europäischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit eine Stellungnahme „Opinion on the suitability and details of freezing methods to allow human consumption of meat infected with Trichinella or Cysticercus“ an. | On 1 December 2004, the Scientific Panel on biological hazards (Biohaz) of the European Food Safety Authority adopted an opinion on the suitability and details of freezing methods to allow human consumption of meat infected with Trichinella or Cysticercus. |
Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants regarding the possible inclusion of Fenarimol in annex 1 of Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market — Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses „Pflanzen“ zur möglichen Aufnahme von Fenarimol in Anhang I der Richtlinie 91/414/EWG über das Inverkehrbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (SCP/FENARI/005 — endg.) (Gutachten vom… | Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants regarding the possible inclusion of fenarimol in Annex 1 to Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market (SCP/FENARI/005 — Final) (Opinion adopted by the Scientific… |
Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants on a specific question from the Commission concerning the evaluation of Fenarimol in the context of Council Directive 91/414/EEC — Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses „Pflanzen“ zu einer spezifischen Frage der Kommission betreffend die Bewertung von Fenarimol in Zusammenhang mit der Richtlinie 91/414/EWG des Rates (Gutachten vom Wissenschaftlichen Ausschuss „Pflanzen“, angenommen am 8. November 2001). | Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants on a specific question from the Commission concerning the evaluation of Fenarimol in the context of Council Directive 91/414/EEC (Opinion adopted by the Scientific Committee on Plants on 8 November 2001). |
Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants on specific questions from the Commission concerning the evaluation of indoxacarb (SPC/Indoxa/002-Final; die Stellungnahme wurde vom Wissenschaftlichen Ausschuss „Pflanzen“ am 18. Juli 2002 angenommen). | Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants on specific questions from the Commission concerning the evaluation of indoxacarb (SCP/Indoxa/002-Final); opinion adopted by the Scientific Committee on Plants on 18 July 2002). |
Opinion of the Scientific Committee on a request from EFSA related to A Harmonised Approach for Risk Assessment of Substances Which are both Genotoxic and Carcinogenic (Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses auf Ersuchen der EFSA über einen harmonisierten Ansatz für die Risikobewertung von Substanzen, die sowohl genotoxische als auch kanzerogene Eigenschaften haben), EFSA Journal (2005) 282, S. 1-31. | Opinion of the Scientific Committee on a request from EFSA related to A Harmonised Approach for Risk Assessment of Substances Which are both Genotoxic and Carcinogenic, the EFSA Journal (2005) 282, pp. 1-31. |
Am 10. September 2010 kam die EFSA in ihrem Wissenschaftlichen Gutachten zur Sicherheit phosphatierten Distärkephosphats als neuartige Lebensmittelzutat („Scientific opinion on the safety of ’phosphated distarch phosphate‘ as a novel food ingredient“ [2]) zu dem Schluss, dass phosphatiertes Distärkephosphat unter den beantragten Verwendungsbedingungen und in den beantragten… | On 10 September 2010, EFSA in the ‘Scientific opinion on the safety of “phosphated distarch phosphate” as a novel food ingredient’ [2] came to the conclusion that phosphated distarch phosphate was safe under the proposed conditions of use and the proposed… |
Am 20. Oktober 2011 nahm die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) das Wissenschaftliche Gutachten über die Risiken durch Shiga-Toxin bildende Escherichia coli und andere pathogene Bakterien in Samen und Keimlingen („Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and other pathogenic bacteria in seeds and sprouted seeds“) [3] an. | On 20 October 2011 the European Food Safety Authority (‘EFSA’) adopted a Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and other pathogenic bacteria in seeds and sprouted seeds [3]. |
Am 20. Oktober 2011 nahm die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) das „Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and other pathogenic bacteria in seeds and sprouted seeds“ [3] (Wissenschaftliches Gutachten über die Risiken durch Shiga-Toxin bildende Escherichia coli (STEC) und andere pathogene Bakterien in Samen und Keimlingen) an. | On 20 October 2011, the European Food Safety Authority (‘EFSA’) adopted a Scientific Opinion on the risk posed by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and other pathogenic bacteria in seeds and sprouted seeds [3]. |
SCENIHR (Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss „Neu auftretende und neu identifizierte Gesundheitsrisiken“), Opinion on the scientific basis for the definition of the term „nanomaterial“, 8. Dezember 2010. | SCENIHR (Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks), Opinion on the scientific basis for the definition of the term ‘nanomaterial’, 8 December 2010. |
SCCS, SCHER und SCENIHR, „Opinion on Use of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) Approach for Human Safety Assessment of Chemical Substances with focus on Cosmetics and Consumer Products“ (Stellungnahme zur Verwendung des Ansatzes des toxikologisch relevanten Schwellenwerts (TTC) zur Bewertung der Sicherheit chemischer Stoffe für den Menschen mit Schwerpunkt auf kosmetischen Mitteln und Konsumgütern), SCCP/1171/08. | SCCS, SCHER and SCENIHR, Opinion on Use of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) Approach for Human Safety Assessment of Chemical Substances with focus on Cosmetics and Consumer Products, SCCP/1171/08. |
Die aktualisierte Fairness Opinion vom 30. Mai 2012 bestätigte, dass bereits bei der ersten Fairness Opinion der genaue Umfang der veräußerten Geschäftsbereiche berücksichtigt wurde, und kam ebenfalls zu dem Schluss, dass der Marktpreis zwischen [600 - 700] und [800 - 900] Mio. EUR… | The updated assessment, dated 30 May 2012, confirms that the assessment took into account exactly the scope of the sold businesses and comes to the same conclusions, namely that the fair price lies within a range of between EUR [600-700] and [800-900… |
Dies gehe aus der Fairness Opinion vom 10. Dezember 2011 hervor und sei von denselben Gutachtern […] am 30. Mai bestätigt worden. | This is clear from the evaluation by a third party dated 10 December 2011 and was confirmed on 30 May 2012 by the same consultant, namely […]. |
Die Kommission hat die Fairness Opinion und deren Aktualisierung geprüft. | The Commission has examined these fairness opinions. |
Die Kommission kann hierfür in geeigneter Form, z.B. in Form einer legal opinion den Nachweis der regulatorischen Notwendigkeit fordern. | The Commission may require an appropriate form of proof, for example a legal opinion, showing that regulatory requirements make this necessary. |
Für die Veräußerung von Dexia BIL wurde am 10. Dezember 2011 eine Fairness Opinion erstellt, die am 30. Mai 2012 aktualisiert wurde. | The Commission notes that the sale of Dexia BIL was subject to a first fairness opinion by a third party on 10 December 2011, which was updated on 30 May 2012. |
Die Höhe dieser Vergütung wurde nach der Einholung einer Fairness Opinion der Deutschen Bank festgesetzt. | That remuneration was set in line with a Fairness Opinion from Deutsche Bank. |
Diese Empfehlungen entsprechen den Angaben zur Verbraucherexposition, die die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit („EFSA“) in ihrem wissenschaftlichen Gutachten „Scientific Opinion on risk based control of biogenic amine formation in fermented foods“ [4] dargelegt hat. | That recommendation is in line with the information on consumer exposure data presented by the European Food Safety Authority (‘EFSA’) in its Scientific Opinion on risk based control of biogenic amine formation in fermented foods [4]. |
Daher hatte die Kommission Bedenken, ob in der Fairness Opinion der genaue Umfang der veräußerten Geschäftsbereiche und die genauen Konditionen der angemeldeten Maßnahme (einschließlich der Klausel über die Rückführung der Nettoerlöse der Verkäufe an Dexia BIL und der Klausel 3.3… | The Commission therefore had doubts about whether the fairness opinion had taken into account the exact scope of the sold businesses and the conditions of the notified measure, including the clause for the recovery of the net proceeds from the transfers… |
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on cross-contamination of non-target feedingstuffs by maduramicin authorised for use as a feed additive, The EFSA Journal (2008) 690, 1-34, Online… | Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on cross-contamination of non-target feedingstuffs by nicarbazin authorised for use as a feed additive, The EFSA Journal (2008) 690, 1-34… |
[22 S.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2647.Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for diflufenican in olives for oil production. | [22 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2647.European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for diflufenican in olives for oil production. |
[28 S.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2648.Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for methoxyfenozide in various leafy vegetables. | [28 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2648.European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for methoxyfenozide in various leafy vegetables. |
[23 S.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2649.Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for dimoxystrobin in rye, sunflower seed and mustard seed. | [23 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2649.European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRLs for dimoxystrobin in rye, sunflower seed and mustard seed. |
[29 S.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2686.Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for cyazofamid in horseradish. | [29 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2686.European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned Opinion Reasoned opinion on the modification of the existing MRL for cyazofamid in horseradish. |
[24 S.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2514.Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit, Reasoned opinion on the setting of a new MRL for isoprothiolane in rice. | [24 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2514.European Food Safety Authority; Reasoned opinion on the setting of a new MRL for isoprothiolane in rice. |
Veröffentlicht am 5. Juli 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRL for cyproconazole in rape seed. | Published: 5 July 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRL for cyproconazole in rape seed. |
Veröffentlicht am 22. September 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRL for flusilazole in tea. | Published: 22 September 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Modification of the existing MRL for flusilazole in tea. |
Veröffentlicht am 26. Mai 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of MRLs for bixafen in oil seed rape, linseed, mustard seed and poppy seed. | Published: 26 May 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of MRLs for bixafen in oil seed rape, linseed, mustard seed and poppy seed. |
Veröffentlicht am 30. Mai 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of a new MRL for imazapic in sugar cane. | Published: 30 May 2011.Reasoned opinion of EFSA: Setting of a new MRL for imazapic in sugar cane. |