ä=ae | ö=oe | ü=ue | ß=ss

epistle deutsch | epistle in German

English Deutsch
Epistle to the GalatiansGalaterbrief
Epistle to the PhilippiansPhilipperbrief
Epistle to the EphesiansEpheserbrief
Epistle to the RomansRömerbrief
Second Epistle to the Corinthians2. Korintherbrief
First Epistle to the Corinthians1. Korintherbrief
the Epistle to the Galatiansder Brief an die Galater
the Epistle to Titusder Brief an Titus
the Epistle to the Hebrewsder Brief an die Hebräer
the Epistle to the Colossiansder Brief an die Kolosser
the Epistle to the Philippiansder Brief an die Philipper
the Epistle to the Ephesiansder Brief an die Epheser
the Epistle to the Philemonder Brief an Philemon