English | Deutsch |
nouns | Substantive |
door | Tür |
front door | Haustür |
back door | Hintertür |
door | Türe |
door handle | Türgriff |
front door | Vordertür |
revolving door | Drehtür |
sliding door | Schiebetür |
swing door | Schwingtür |
entrance door | Eingangstür |
trap door | Falltür |
front door | Eingangstür |
door lock | Türschloss |
door handle | Türklinke |
door lock | Türschloß |
connecting door | Verbindungstür |
door knocker | Türklopfer |
terrace door | Terrassentür |
door frame | Türrahmen |
garage door | Garagentor |
patio door | Terrassentür |
passenger door | Beifahrertür |
screen door | Fliegengittertür |
glass door | Glastür |
door panel | Türverkleidung |
door sill | Türschwelle |
access door | Einstiegstür |
emergency door | Nottür |
front door | Haustor |
door-to-door salesman | Klinkenputzer |
refrigerator door | Kühlschranktür |
fridge door | Kühlschranktür |
little door | Türchen |
front door | Hauseingang |
knock-a-door-run | Klingelstreich |
door mirror | Seitenspiegel |
kitty door | Katzenklappe |
door frame | Türzarge |
door locks | Türschlösser |
door frames | Türrahmen |
door-to-door time | Durchlaufzeit |
door-to-door time | Laufzeit |
door-to-door-sales force | Drückerkolonne |
double door | Doppeltür |
double-winged door | Doppeltür |
French door | Doppeltür |
door-knob tube | Eichelröhre |
door-knob tubes | Eichelröhren |
office door | Kontortür |
office door | Bürotür |
bow door | Bugklappe |
door-to-door seller | Haustürverkäufer |
door-to-door sellers | Drückerinnen |
door-to-door sellers | Drücker |
door-to-door sellers | Haustürverkäuferinnen |
door-to-door seller | Drückerin |
door-to-door seller | Drücker |
door-to-door seller | Haustürverkäuferin |
door-to-door sellers | Haustürverkäufer |
street door contacts | Haustürkontakte |
street door contact | Haustürkontakt |
door-to-door sale | Haustürgeschäft |
front door keys | Hausschlüssel |
front door key | Hausschlüssel |
interior door | Innentür |
wire-grating door | Gittertür |
grille door | Gittertor |
grille door | Gittertür |
wire-grating door | Gittertor |
gear door | Fahrwerksklappe |
concertina door | Harmonikatür |
folding door | Harmonikatür |
concertina door | Falttür |
folding door | Falttür |
loading door | Einbautür |
back door | Hintertüre |
explosion door | Explosionsklappe |
bath door | Badtür |
elevator door | Aufzugtür |
lift door | Aufzugtür |
dust ejection door | Auswurfklappe |
usage | Sprachgebrauch |
next door | nebenan |
at the door | an der Tür |
to answer the door | die Tür öffnen |
door-to-door | von Tür zu Tür |
four-door | viertürig |
lay something at someone's door | jemandem etwas in die Schuhe schieben |
dead like a door nail | mausetot |
to sell from door to door | Klinken putzen |
As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action. | Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam, entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamkeit. |
The surface of the door blistered. | Die Oberfläche der Tür warf Blasen. |
at the door | an der Abendkasse/Abendkassa |
There was a stampede for the door. | Alles stürzte zur Tür. |
His room-mate had booby-trapped the door. | Sein Zimmergenosse hatte an der Tür eine Falle angebracht. |
an increase in premiums through the back door | eine Prämienerhöhung über die Hintertüre |
He got into the civil service by the back door. | Er ist durch die Hintertür in den öffentlichen Dienst gekommen. |
to make a back-door attempt to introduce sth. | etwas über die Hintertür einführen wollen |
to enter through the back door and do sth. | über die Hintertür versuchen, etw. zu tun |
through/by the back door | durch/über die Hintertür |
French door with balcony | französischer Balkon |