ä=ae | ö=oe | ü=ue | ß=ss

as deutsch | as in German

⇄ Deutsch
English Deutsch
condition as receivedAnlieferungszustand
as-built drawingBestandszeichnung
as-fired moistureEndwassergehalt
posts/jobs as assistantAssistentenstellen
admission as attorneysAnwaltszulassungen
admission as attorneyAnwaltszulassung
as-built drawingsBestandspläne
as-built drawingsBaubestandspläne
as-built drawingBaubestandsplan
as-built drawingBestandsplan
as-cast conditionGusszustand
as-cast conditionGußzustand
as-received conditionAnlieferungszustand
as-delivered conditionAnlieferungszustand
as-received conditionLieferzustand
as-delivered conditionLieferzustand
as-built drawingsRevisionspläne
amount credited as interestZinsgutschrift
as long assolange
as usualwie gewöhnlich
as usualwie üblich
as opposed toim Gegensatz zu
as requestedwie gewünscht
as requestedwunschgemäß
as long assofern
as promisedwie versprochen
as long assolange wie
as cool as a cucumberseelenruhig
as long as stocks lastsolange der Vorrat reicht
as fresh as a daisyquicklebendig
as agreedlaut Absprache
as usualwie immer
as easy as falling off a logkinderleicht
as discussedwie besprochen
as swift as an arrowpfeilschnell
as sound as a bellgesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser
as thick as two short planksdumm wie Bohnenstroh
as smooth as glassspiegelglatt
as ugly as sinhässlich wie die Sünde
as years go byüber die Jahre hin
to save asspeichern als
as stipulatedwie vereinbart
as drawnwie gezeichnet
as requestednach Wunsch
as plannedplanmäßig
to emerge asentpuppen
asi. d. F.
as amendedi. d. F.
as clear as a dayklar wie Kloßbrühe
as mute as a maggotstumm wie ein Fisch
to function asfungieren
as blind as a batblind wie ein Maulwurf
as dumb as a postdumm wie Bohnenstroh
cheap as chipsspottbillig
hard asbeinhart
as dead as dodomausetot
as dead as muttonmausetot
as dead as a doornailmausetot
to qualify as professorhabilitieren
mutton dressed as lambhinten Lyzeum, vorne Museum
bold as brasstolldreist
Delete as applicable.Nichtzutreffendes streichen.
as requiredbei Bedarf
as shown in the diagramwie das Diagramm zeigt
as compensation forals Ersatz für
'Dispense as written' /DAW/'Nec aut idem'
duties as citizenstaatsbürgerliche Pflichten
as matters standwie die Dinge liegen
as matters standnach dem Stand der Dinge
pledged as securityals Sicherheit hinterlegt
seizure as evidencestrafprozessuale Sicherstellung
as statistics show/suggest ...wie die Statistik zeigt ...
as agreedlaut Vereinbarung
as occasion demandsanlassbezogen
as amended byin der Fassung /i.d.F./
as distinguished fromanders als
as distinguished fromund nicht nur
as stated abovewie oben angegeben
as distinguished fromim Gegensatz zu
rejecting as unfitausmusternd
to reject as unfitausmustern
rejected as unfitausgemustert
as orderedauftragsgemäß
as good as a playäußerst amüsant
to work as teacherals Lehrer arbeiten
as suitable for one's agealtersgemäß
as proof of sth.als Beweis für etw.
as respects ...was ... anbelangt
as things progressedim weiteren Verlauf
as events unfoldedim weiteren Verlauf
as applicableje nachdem, was zutrifft
Delete as applicable.Unzutreffendes bitte streichen.
Deutsch English
AsA double sharp
AsA double flat
AsA flat
AsA sharp
Treff-Asace of clubs
AS-ZollCVD duty
as-MollA-flat minor
Arsen /As/arsenic
Amerikanisch-Samoa /AS/American Samoa
Palette, AS 4068-1993Pallet, AS 4068-1993 OD
AS Nitrofert (Estland),AS Nitrofert (Estonia),
AS — Amerikanisch-SamoaAS – American Samoa
Duslo AS (Slowakei),Duslo AS (Slovakia),
Nereus AS, Pärnu, EstlandNereus AS, Pärnu, Estonia,
Hyen Laks AS, Hyen, Norwegen.Hyen Laks AS, Hyen, Norway;
Mesta AS: RenditeMesta AS: rate of return
Mesta AS — KapitalzuweisungMesta AS – capital allocation